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Curriculum vitae

Ursula Philippi (b. 1955 in Transylvania) initially studied piano and organ privately under E. Schlandt in Brașov. Later she graduated from the College of Music in Bucharest under L. Sumnevici. She was a finalist of Anton Bruckner Organ Competition in Linz and a laureate of the Prague Spring in 1979. Since 1985 until 2014 she has been an organist of the Evangelic church in Hermannstadt/Sibiu where she played the biggest organ in Transylvania, a Wilhelm-Sauer instrument dating from 1914.

Following the political changes in Romania in 1990, Ursula Philippi has been professor of the newly established organ class at the „Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy in Cluj where she is teaching artistic organ playing and is giving a Master of Art course about the history of organ performance. Together with her students she organizes various projects on organ playing in the country and abroad.

She has been performing extensively in Europe, Japan as well as in the European and Asiatic part of the former Soviet Union.The centre of her repertoire lies in the music from Transylvania, ranging from the Renaissance up to contemporary music and also organ music of German romantic composers.

Her double CD „Organ Landscape Transylvania” (1992, Dabringhaus und Grimm, Detmold) has been given the Prize of German Gramophone Critics. She has taken part in preservation and restoration of historic organs in Transylvania, she also was a member of international organ competitions (Freiberg, Muzzana del Turgnano).

Mrs. Philippi founded the ensemble Cantate Domino which plays the old music of European regions as well as compositions found in the archives in Transylvania.